Top 10 Girl Things Guys Will Never Understand


Girls and guys could often be viewed as two entirely different species. Consequently, if any man tries to tell you he understands a woman (or vice versa), he is a liar. There are certain differences, however, that no guy in the history of the universe will ever be able to comprehend…

10. One Direction: Few people even realize that these subpar performers started their careers separately on the X Factor and were each, in fact, eliminated. It was only the ingenuity of judge Simon Cowell who reorganized them into a group that saved them from singing show oblivion. Just as quickly as their careers were salvaged, they will surely fall out of the obsessive teenage girl demographic and become just as washed up as Hanson or the Jonas Brothers (mark my words)

9. Monogrammed Everything: Do girls really need to put their mark on everything? It just becomes repetitive. Purses, shirts, towels – those make sense. It is when you get into the obscure realm of girl thinking where things start to get weird. Necklaces, boots, cars – why?

8. Multiple Piercings in One Ear: If girls keep it up at this rate, their ears are going to look like cheese graters by age 25. Having a needle stuck through any body part never sounds pleasant, so are five piercings in one ear really necessary? Maybe it just comes down to a girl’s indecision when determining what earring to wear, as shown by number seven.

7. Indecision When Getting Dressed: Girls take a notoriously long time to get ready and this is largely due to the fact they can never decide what to wear. Hopefully the goal is not to impress guys, because they definitely think you look the exact same as you did in outfits one through forty-three.

6. Rompers: Aside from the worst name ever given to an article of clothing, rompers are the most impractical thing in every girl’s closet. (I hear you have to take them all the way off when using the restroom.) After the age of four, it is safe to say that a girl should never sport simplified overalls – in any manner – again.

5. “Frenemies”: Why are girls friends with people they do not even like? This one comes down to one of the most cardinal differences between girls and guys: emotions. Rather putting distance between an adversary, girl seem to take the “keep your enemies close” saying quite literally, resulting in some Mean Girls moments in real life.

4. Not Shaving Your Legs: Guys really cannot relate to this one fully, although we can agree that the following is an inconsistency. In the summer, girls think they are the eighth world wonder the day they shave their legs, consistently bragging to others to “feel how smooth their legs are”. However when winter rolls around, girls suddenly start proclaiming, “It’s winter, I’ll just wear jeans!”

3.  Pretty Little Liars: This one has been haunting guys since 2010. Who is A? If your answer is “who cares?”, then you would also surely love to know that these fictional girls have been in their junior and senior years of high school for five seasons now. It is definitely time for these “liars” and their fans to move on and graduate.

2. Chokers: These never should have been a thing to begin with, but they absolutely should not make a comeback. Too be quite honest, chokers make a girl look like either a bobblehead or Queen Mary (after she was beheaded).

1. Pilgrimages to the Bathroom with Friends: How could this one not be number one? What is there to possibly talk about in the bathroom? Girls clearly are not “pee shy” as they carry on age-old conversations all from the comfort (?) of a public restroom.  They are not fooling anyone, however; because guys are aware that girls are not simply “freshening up”. They are definitely talking about us.