Top 10 Greatest Moments of 2014 at RMA


With every New Year comes both reflection for the previous year and anticipation for the year ahead. As we all attempt to settle on a feasible and realistic resolution for this year, let’s take a look back at 2014 and remember some of the best moments we shared here at Rocky Mount Academy.

10. Installment of the Media Office: While it may be a little biased for an article by members of the Media Office to include their own program in a top ten list, the introduction of this class in the 2014-2015 school year was a huge step forward for our school in terms of getting up to date in the digital world. As a result of the program, RMA now has a variety of social media accounts, marketing videos, and weekly editions of a newspaper.

9. Senior Prank Day: Although maybe not as spectacular as pranks of previous years (Does anyone remember the dance club in the Proctor Hall bathroom circa 2013?), last year’s seniors delivered a light-hearted and solid day of mischief in early April. As students walked to homeroom that day, they were greeted by a “for sale” sign on the outside of the school, a bounce house in the cafeteria, and embarrassing pictures of teachers plastered all over their doors.

8. 2014 Athletic Banquet: For the first time ever, last year’s seasonal awards banquets were consolidated into one evening of athletic celebration complete with outdoor tents and a catered dinner. A move praised by many and in the works for repetition this year, the evening was a perfect ending to a series of outstanding seasons for RMA sports. The only thing the banquet did not have to offer was a conclusion on the ongoing jovial dispute of the ownership over the multipurpose/softball field.

7. 2014 Rocky Mount Academy Auction: Chaired by April Livermon and Kate Tharin, this 2014 event raised more money for RMA than any other auction in the school’s history. The event is comprised of an informal dinner, musical performances by the upper school chorus, and silent and voice auction. In total, this RMA fundraiser grossed over one hundred and sixteen thousand dollars for the daily operations of our school.

6. Varsity Football State Championship: Following the success of the 2013 season, all eyes were on the varsity football team in 2014. With a lossless season leading up to a victory in the championship game, the Eagles achieved exactly what they were working toward all summer and fall: another state title. Many students braved the frigid temperatures to cheer on the team and as a result, we had the most enthusiastic student section RMA had ever seen.

5. Vacations Spent Abroad: Through the Global Studies and French programs, many RMA high schoolers had the opportunity to go abroad in 2014. The Global Studies students headed to Costa Rica for some cultural immersion and service work. A few months prior, six girls from the French program along with Ms. O’Brien embarked on a spring break journey to tour the greater Parisian area.

4. Graduation: The perfect send-off to an exemplary batch of seniors, the class of 2014’s graduation ceremony was memorable for current students and grads alike. Keeping with the tradition of every graduation since 1969, every graduate stood one at a time to be honored for his or her achievements from freshman to senior year. With a beautiful song by the upper school chorus, an eloquent valedictorian speech by Nicholas Place, and a long list of accomplishments from the class as a whole, 2014’s graduation ceremony earns its number four spot on this list.

3. Veteran’s Day Ceremony: It is not every day that RMA has politicians on campus. However, this year’s annual Veteran’s Day ceremony brought with it a speech by North Carolina senator and RMA parent Buck Newton. Aside from the speech, RMA also hosted a distinguished group of United States veterans who are friends or family of students here.

2. Snow Days with Actual Snow on the Ground: In eastern North Carolina, we are lucky to get one snow flurry each winter. However, 2014 granted us with an unusually cold stretch from early to late February that resulted in multiple delays, early releases, and the cancelling of several school days. Though heartbroken to miss classes, RMA students gathered at friends’ houses and enjoyed rare opportunities to sled, build snowmen, and have snowball fights.

Second Runner Up: The Trivia Crack Trend: Closing the year and continuing into 2015, the iPhone app Trivia Crack has certainly made waves in recent days at RMA. During break and lunch, seniors congregate in Ms. Daniel’s office to collaborate on answers to challenging questions or even go head to head in the same room. Even though many teachers enjoy the games as well, it has still yet to be recognized as a valid excuse for phone usage during class (unless the teacher knows the answer).

First Runner Up: Homecoming Festivities: With the events taking place during basketball season this year, homecoming was the last thing we all did together as a school before calling 2014 a wrap. With the theme of “Going for gold”, RMA added a few new homecoming traditions this year. Among them was Media Office’s “Spirit Booth” in which students posed with an oversized frame to capture moments with their friends while decked out in spirit week garb. All homecoming events – the pep rally, dance, and basketball games – proved to be huge successes and boast record high attendances.

1. 2014 Junior-Senior Prom: For the first time in several years, the juniors elected to hire a band for the 2014 junior-senior prom rather than a DJ. This move, though controversial to many, ended up being praised by all who attended as the band Another Level exceeded all expectations. They even allowed for an epic dance battle on stage between Baileigh James and Chloe Thompson (although a winner was never determined). With ample support from the James family in terms of decorations and equipment, the RMA cafeteria was transformed into the setting of the bond movie Casino Royale and a fun night was had by all.