Alumni Update: Anna Beavon Gravely

This week’s alumni update features Anna Beavon Gravely, member of Rocky Mount Academy’s class of 2007 and Meredith College graduate. Learn more about Ms. Gravely’s life since RMA in the interview below:
1. Where are you from originally?
I was born in New York, right outside the city
2. Where did you go to college?
I went to Meredith College and majored in political science and minored in writing and philosophy. Now I would say that I majored in political science because America is the greatest country in the world. We were the greatest experiment in freedom that has ever been. I wanted to learn what made us great and how to ensure that we remain that way. When I started taking major specific classes, I would tell you I picked political science because I loved to debate people on issues. I think I’ve grown up a little since then
3. Major? Why did you choose it? Post Grad School?
I have not gone to graduate school, but I haven’t ruled it out for the future.
4. What are your hobbies/interests?
I love refurbishing furniture, decorating and crafting.
5. Have you ever been involved in sports, music, art, etc. growing up? If so, elaborate.
Absolutely. When I was at RMA, I was a 3-sport athlete for 4 years. I played tennis/volleyball, basketball and softball. I played softball for a time in college as well.
6. Have you had any experiences abroad?
Yes. I had the pleasure to go to southern Italy in the fall of 2013, and it was amazing. I plan to return.
7. If you had to select one moment in your life that defined you, what would it be?
I don’t think that just one moment has defined me, but I think a moment that created a precedent of me taking a risk, challenging the unknown and planning for the future occurred at the end of my freshman year of college when I made the decision to stop playing softball in order to be accurately prepared to run for Student Body President at Meredith College. I labored over that decision for quite some time because it meant taking a huge risk for a dream. My dream became a reality when I became a senior.
8. What made you want to pursue your specific career?
I’m a political science major. I get to work every day in the field of interest I have had since the beginning of college. I’m living the dream.
9. What is something nobody knows about you?
During the 2014 election cycle, I lived off of fruit snacks and Gatorade.
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I plan on running my own company, raising a family, and watching just as much news as I currently do.
11. Describe a person who has made the biggest impact on your life.
This is the most difficult request to address. I have had multiple people have an impact in my life from my high school English teachers, my high school softball coach, to my college thesis advisor, but the person that has allowed me to use her as a sounding board and to think out loud with is my mom. I am an out loud thinker. I process things out loud. As a creative individual, it is important that I verbalize my thoughts and ideas, and my mom has yet to grow tired of my intellectual rampages. She is a very honest and forthcoming sounding board, and I appreciate that.
12. What are your biggest pet peeves?
I hate when people confuse “him” and “he” or “her” and “she” and “me” and “I.” That is the biggest one.
13. Describe your dream vacation.
My dream vacation consists of someone else planning the trip in its entirety and sending me to some place I have never been. I’m actually low maintenance. However, shopping is completely involved. That is a must.