Highschoolers’ Favorite Moments From School This Far


Mary Kimbrell Livermon, Photographer/Videographer

As school is beginning to wind down, some students are starting to reflect on what memory from school this year sticks out to them. Rocky Mount Academy has provided many opportunities for students to create lasting memories throughout the course of this school year. These memories can range from a school-wide event or a memory specific to the student, as most students have differing schedules. 

Some major events at RMA have already happened, like Prom and Homecoming, but other events, such as Graduation and Baccalaureate, are still yet to come. Graduation and Baccalaureate are major stepping stones for seniors as they exit high school and enter college. For freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, they have the opportunity to reflect on this school year, but also look forward to what is to come throughout the rest of high school. 

Following prom in April, many juniors and seniors have decided that prom was an event that they will never forget. New to RMA this year, Chandler Cockrell states, “Prom was a great experience, and the band was great!” RMA’s prom is unique to many students as the decorations and band set it apart from many schools. Kate Hudgins added, “My favorite memory this year was prom because it was so nice to decorate for it and also hang out with my friends at the dance!”

Besides prom, there are also other parts of the school year that stick out to students. Sports allow students to represent RMA, while also participating in a sport that interests them. Wyatt Wells explains, “My favorite part of school was playing basketball because it’s my favorite sport!” For me personally, memories that resonate with me are football games along with pep rallies. Football games are such a fun way to display school spirit, while also enjoying the football game. 

It is amusing to look back at how much has happened this year, but also sad to see how this time is passing so quickly. For seniors, RMA has been their home away from home for many years. With them departing soon, we are sad that they are leaving, but we are happy for what’s in store for them in the future.