I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Snow Cream!

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Snow Cream!

Mary Hanna Bryant, Treasurer

A few snowflakes have been falling recently, but now it’s time for it to stick! While snow day activities include building snowmen, making snow angels, having snowball fights, sledding, or having a chill day inside, my favorite part of the day is making snow cream. If you have never had or made snow cream before, you must try it. While you might think it’s strange to have a cold treat on a cold day, the yummy taste makes it acceptable!

Although a family ritual for snow days at my house is to make snow cream, I can never quite seem to remember the recipe when I need it. However, I have all snow cream lovers prepared with this easy recipe, now it just needs to snow!


Ingredients include:

  1. Milk
  2. Sugar
  3. Vanilla
  4. Snow


  1. Whisk the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl until combined. Then pop the bowl in the freezer while you go outside to get your snow.
  2. Gather about 8 to 10 cups of fresh, clean snow (some will melt). 
  3. Immediately stir the snow into the milk mixture, and keep adding until an ice-cream-ish consistency is achieved. It should be fluffy and scoop-able. 
  4. Grab a spoon and dig in!

This is the recipe I use, but make a batch once, and adjust it as you please. Enjoy, and keep warm!