2014 State of School Address

As years have passed, Rocky Mount Academy has become a coveted option for families in Eastern North Carolina. This is due to RMA’s ability to prepare students for college and life beyond education. RMA thrives on its ability to adapt to changing times and ways of learning.

Every five years the Board of Trustees comes together and makes plans for the next five years for the school.  This plan includes the budget, future building plans, technologic changes to the curriculum, faculty, and recently added endowment. This year for the first time head of school, Ms. Covolo, and the head of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Hall Thorp, had a State of the School Address where they shared and explained the five year plan to parents. The main focuses of the 2014-2019 five year plan were technology, marketing, and the endowment.

The plan explains the importance of technology in students’ lives as it becomes even more prominent in the success after high school in college and careers. RMA allows students to become familiar with the ways technology can enhance education without replacing teachers with it. The way they do this is by first introducing the technology to the teachers and faculty so that they can become accustomed to it and adapt their teaching before the students are introduced to it.

Another focus of the plan is marketing. RMA emphasizes the importance of internal marketing. What they mean by this is that they do not rely on advertisements but the sharing of the school through students and alumni. The good reviews of people that have experienced RMA are most important to the school. As anyone who has walked through the RMA halls can attest to, RMA wants to make sure everyone has a good experience during their time here.

The final focus of the plan is the endowment and budget. The endowment, known as the Founder’s Endowment, was started with a $250,000 donation.  The endowments goal is to allow RMA to grow and sustain its mission. An important factor to the endowment is grants. Grants can be given by local businesses that believe in RMA or families of the school that want to help make a difference. The annual fund and annual auction are important factors in the size of grants that the endowment receives. Businesses want to see that the school community is also involved in the growth of the endowment and school before they give grants. The annual fund and auction are the school’s biggest events of the year. Donations can be made to the endowment like they can be made to the school. Donations of any size are welcomed and encouraged to help RMA have a better future.

The entire 2014-2019 strategic plan can be found on Rocky Mount Academy’s website, rmacademy.com. Be sure to keep up with RMA on twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to see what’s going on in the community.

Twitter: @rmaeagles


Instagram: @rockymountacademy