RMA’s Monster Mash

Virginia Feagans, Co-Editor

Every year at Halloween, RMA hosts the Monster Mash, an all school event that allows the students, especially Pre-k and Kindergarten, to show off their Halloween costumes. This annual event kicks off Halloween for the students of RMA and is even enjoyed by the teachers. 

For the Pre-K students, this event is extra special because they get the opportunity to parade their costumes for the whole school. For Pre-K student Ellison Williams, her favorite part of the Monster Mash is getting to see her mom and dad during the parade, and her favorite part of Halloween is getting to dress up in cool costumes. For her classmate Jack Strandberg, the best part of the Monster Mash is also getting to see his parents during the school day, and the best part of Halloween is going Trick-or-Treating and eating the candy he receives. 

Kindergarten also takes part in the Monster Mash parade, and for student Eleanor Haley, the best part is being able to wear her costume to school. Getting to take pictures with his classmates in their cool costumes is Johnny Edwards favorite part of the Monster Mash. For Zibby Thomas, the best part of Halloween is going Trick-or-Treating and getting to eat lots of candy.

For the older students, the Monster Mash is something they have attended since they were in lower school. For Eighth Grader Radha Patel, the best part of the Monster Mash is seeing everyone dressed up. For Eleventh Grader Harrison Vaughn, the best part about the Monster Mash is seeing the costumes the kids come up with and he really misses when he was able to take part in it during lower school. For Senior Wade Collins, the best part of the Monster Mash is also being able to see all the fun costumes and he will miss being able to take part in this tradition next year, and for his classmate Gray Sutton, the best part is seeing the little kids and their teachers with their cute costumes and he will miss the music that comes with this tradition. 

The Monster Mash is a favorite tradition of many RMA students and is the best way to kick off Halloween!