Summer Experiences
September 13, 2021
After a summer apart from classmates and teachers, it is always exciting to hear about the variety of ways that RMA’s students and faculty made the most of their summers! Whether it was spent working a fun summer job, spending time with friends and family, or on the water, I think it is safe to say that this was a much enjoyed and well deserved summer break for all!
With the heat that comes with summer, it is no surprise that many students spent the majority of their summer cooling off in the water! Fishing proved to be a popular activity on the water as 1st grader Hunter Strandberg stated that the best part of his summer was “fishing on Duck Hunter in Nags Head.” Freshman Sammy Bowles also enjoyed fishing, wakeboarding, and wakesurfing the most this summer. Kindergartner Mary Evelyn Daughtridge also loved playing in the water and even learned a new skill as she quoted that the coolest thing she did this summer was “going to the pool at Bald Head Island and learning to swim underwater!” You can’t go wrong with summer water activities!
Another popular way to spend the summer, and my personal favorite, is by attending overnight summer camp! 8th graders Ward Rose and Millar Berry, along with myself, all agreed that spending time at Camp Albemarle is always the best part of the year! Millar explained, “This summer I went to Camp Albemarle for two weeks! I had the best time sailing and learning about God with my friends.” I was lucky enough to work at Camp Albemarle this summer. I have now spent ten summers at camp and could not ask for a better experience. I loved getting to know my campers and the other staff members and getting to make memories every day and can’t wait for next summer!
Time away from school provides the perfect opportunity for traveling! 4th grader Cate Powers had a blast on her trip to South Carolina! With her time away from work, our school nurse, Mrs. Epps spent the majority of her summer traveling! She traveled to New Jersey, the lake, and the beach with family and friends! It is always exciting to hear about RMA’s traveling adventures!
Many of our students spent their break participating in a number of events! Seventh grader Madi Grace Baker enjoyed riding dirtbikes and horses as well as going fishing. Senior Shelton Honey stated, “I started the summer working at Natural Teeth Implant Center and also at another one too. Then, I went to Camp Greystone for 5 weeks, which made the summer fly by. During the month of August, I was home for tennis practice in preparation for my last season.” Junior Darshan Patel expressed, “I went to Punta Cana and just chilled there. I volunteered at Boice Willis Clinic and gave tennis lessons.”
It has been an exciting and relaxing summer break for all, and now we are excited to be back in the classroom together and reunite with friends after the time away!