Senior Spotlight: Meghan Routhier

Hunter Nealey, Secretary

This week’s senior spotlight is shining on the always upbeat and spirited Meghan Routhier! Having joined the RMA family in the ninth grade after relocating from Singapore, Meghan was faced with the daunting task of not only adjusting to a new school, but a new country. Over the years, Meghan has shown herself to be unique in her ability to form bonds with friends, always able to relate to anyone on some level. When asked about Meghan, senior Lisa Dudley described her as “the kind of friend that you can always rely on; someone who constantly goes out of her way to do things for other people and never fails to brighten your day.” 

Meghan is challenging herself this year with courses like Spanish 4, Calculus, AP English, AP Statistics, AP Psychology, AP Biology, and Yearbook. When asked about her favorite class of all time, Meghan said, “Ceramics with Mrs. Hunter allowed me to make so many fun things and really allowed me to be creative!” 


Outside of class, she is highly active in school-sponsored clubs including Spanish National Honor Society, Key Club, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Her real passion, however, has to be cheerleading for RMA. Always energetic and willing to get loud, Meghan is truly one of the best cheerleaders that RMA has to offer, radiating school spirit at every sporting event that’s lucky enough to have her. After school, Meghan can be found working at RMA’s ASE, helping look after the younger kids. “It’s great,” she says when asked about her time working at After School Enrichment, “I’ve loved being able to work with the kids over the past years.” 


Sadly, Meghan will be leaving the RMA family next year and departing for college where she plans to study industrial engineering. On a personal note, I know I will miss Meghan and her lovingly sarcastic presence. Through the years, she has become a treasured friend and member of our senior class, and we wish her all the best. 


Read on to learn more about Meghan!

  • What will you miss most about RMA? Definitely all of the friends I’ve made over the years. 
  • What is a quote that you try to live by? “The best things in life, the very best things, happen unexpectedly.” -Young Donna in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. 
  • What are you watching right now and what is your favorite tv show of all time? I’m watching Gilmore Girls and Supernatural on Netflix right now. My favorite show, however, has to be Friends
  • Who is your favorite teacher at RMA? It has to be either Mrs. Hunter or Mrs. Whitehurst.
  • What’s your top college pick at the moment? Definitely Clemson in South Carolina!