Senior Spotlight: Isaiah Smith

Jack Pittman, Copy Editor

This week’s Senior Spotlight is on the iconic Isaiah Smith. An unforgettable part of the senior class for the last 7 years, Isaiah’s charming personality has left an imprint on every student and faculty member he has come across. Isaiah is known for his endless smile and his ability to brighten anyone’s mood.

Isaiah has taken a difficult array of courses throughout high school, this year taking AP Biology, Ecology, English 12, Advanced Functions and Models, Weightlifting, and Ceramics. He is also active in clubs at RMA. He’s a devout member of the Meditation Club, very fitting for his stress-free demeanor! Apart from the classroom, Isaiah also excels athletically as a member of the basketball, soccer, and golf teams. On the basketball team, Isaiah is a sharpshooter, always ready to knock down a jump shot. I think Isaiah truly shines on the soccer pitch, where he and I have managed the defensive line since middle school. He shows great leadership on the field, leading by example and always keeping a commendable attitude and a cool head.

Outside of school, Isaiah loves spending time with his friends and family and can often be seen playing basketball in his driveway. His commitment to his athletics shows a work ethic and drive that will be advantageous as he moves through his life.

I have known Isaiah since he came to RMA in the sixth grade, and we have been friends since then. Isaiah has always been able to put a smile on my face, no matter what situation we are in. He is a good friend, and I can always count on him. I can still beat him in ping pong, though.

Sadly, Isaiah will be leaving us next fall. Isaiah hopes to attend East Carolina University and continue his academic journey in Greenville. I believe I speak for all of RMA when I say we know Isaiah will succeed wherever he attends, and we wish him best of luck!


To learn more about Isaiah, read below!

  • If you were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would you bring? My house, water, and Slim Jims.
  • What is your favorite quote?Don’t count the days, make the days count.”
  • Who is your role model? My dad, Larry.
  • What is your biggest pet peeve? Loud chewers.
  • What is something not many people know about you?  I do professional ice skating.
  • What is your favorite RMA memory? Watching a packet of honey mustard get exploded all over Hunter’s face.
  • What are you going to miss the most about RMA? I’m gonna miss my friends.