All I Want for Christmas is Food


Caroline Gay, Photographer

Everyone knows that once Thanksgiving is over, December is not far behind. Admit it–one of the best things you look forward to around Christmas time is the food that comes along with the season. Here’s a list of the top wintertime treats we know you’re looking forward to. Go ahead, salivate a little.


Peanut Butter Balls 

Take one bite, and you won’t be able to stop. These are one of the most popular chocolate and peanut butter treats to make around the holiday season.



Muddy Buddies 

Also known as “puppy chow,” muddy buddies are delicious and fun to make with your family or friends!




Cheese Straws  

Cheese straws are absolutely one of the BEST horderves for a fun Christmas party! Indulge in these tasty little treats.




Apple Cider, Eggnog, and Classic Hot Chocolate

What would Christmastime look like without one of these widely known winter comfort drinks? Take one sip of any of the three, and it will make you want to wrap up in a blanket, stand by the fire, and watch a Christmas movie.






Snow Cream  

Not only is this something fun to eat, but it’s also something extremely fun to make! When we miss a school day due to snow, make sure you run outside and grab some snow to make this delectable dessert!




Assorted Popcorn   

If you have never received an assorted popcorn Christmas tin, then you don’t know what you’re missing.



Gingerbread Men, Sugar Cookies, & Danish Butter Cookies

These are the all-time fan favorites. If you don’t enjoy making Gingerbread men or decorating sugar cookies, you might just be Scrooge yourself.




Candy Canes

Enjoy these signature peppermint candies this Christmas, but don’t forget to remember the real meaning behind these popular candy canes!





Roasted Duck and Venison Tenderloin

‘Tis the Season – duck and deer season that is. As a Christmas tradition more commonly known here in the South, roasted duck and venison tenderloin are some of the most anticipated savory foods around the holidays, especially for families with hunters in them.




Pies Galore

To top things off, almost any pie would make your Christmas dinner an unforgettable one – and one that would put you right to sleep. Mince pies, apple pies, pecan pies, cherry pies, chocolate pies, you name it.