Senior Spotlight: Marina Meffen

December 3, 2018
Marina’s leadership, attitude, and incomparable personality make her a force to be reckoned with wherever she may be; whether it is in class, on the court, or academic programs she gives 100%. It is no secret that she is extremely intelligent, but she also has a heart of gold, making her shine like no other in the Class of 2019! She is the kind of person who will stick by you through the thick and thin of life without second-guessing her choice to do so. Her fiery and determined spirit will take her far in life, and without a doubt (I am speaking on behalf of the seniors.), Marina is going to do big things in life and make the world we live in a much better place!
Marina has been attending Rocky Mount Academy since Sixth Grade, making her Senior year her sixth year. Since Middle School, Marina has proven herself to be a strong and intelligent young woman by excelling in rigorous coursework such as Honors PreCalculus, AP Statistics, Honors English, and AP Environmental Science this year. Not only does her schedule demonstrate her intelligence, but she also has developed her interests in the arts in classes such as Yearbook and American Cultures. In school, Marina is an active member of CARE Club and Key Club, where she is able to help better her school and community with volunteering and discussing mental health with fellow students. She is also a part of National Honor Society and has been on the high honors list for academics for her entire high school career. As far as sports go, Marina has always been an athletic individual, participating in everything from basketball, to soccer, to dance! Nowadays she is a force to be reckoned with on the volleyball court, as she helped the team go to playoffs for the first time in RMA history!
Outside of school, Marina can be found with a cup of coffee in hand while spending time with her friends or taking care of her younger sister, Caitlin. As an avid lover of music, she loves to not only listen but play in her free time. In the future, Marina hopes her intelligence and passion for helping others could be displayed in the medical field. She has applied to USC, Clemson, UNC, UNCC, UVA, NCSU, and ECU. “I think my first choice is a toss-up between UNCC or UNC,” she said regarding what her first pick is, but I know that any school would be lucky to have her! We have no doubt that Marina will do big and wonderful things in this world, so be sure to remember her name. RMA wishes her the best of luck in the future, and we know the world will love her just as much as the school has loved our Marina Meffen.
“Marina and I have had the best love-hate relationship ever in the history of love-hate relationships in the world. Most of the time the love was coming from me and the hate from Marina, but I knew deep down she loved me. People think me and Marina do not get along, but honestly, after graduation, she is one of the few people I am going to miss the most. Making jokes with her and asking her for help in every class are some of my best memories of mine at RMA.”- Charlie Miller, 12th
“Marina is probably the funniest, as well as sassiest, person I know. I have known her since middle school, and I can safely say that she will always be the friend to have your back and will give you her honest opinion no matter the situation. I hope that our friendship will still hold strong through high school and into college.”- Austin Brown, 12th
“Marina and I came to RMA the same year. Ever since she helped me put the zebra print wallpaper in my locker, we have been best friends. She is a wonderful friend, and I am so glad we will only be 45 minutes away from each other next fall (hopefully!)”- Tiffany Chandler, 12th
To find out more about Marina, read below:
What will you miss most about RMA?
I think I will miss being able to know everyone in my class and always being able to go to someone when I need them.
Where would your dream home be?
Maybe a nice home in the suburbs of a bigger city.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Attending the National Youth Leadership Forum of Advanced Medicine at Johns Hopkins University
What words do you live by?
“I exist as I am, that is enough” – Walt Whitman
What makes you want to pursue medicine?
The medical field is something that is always changing. You will never know everything there is to know about medicine. There is so much to learn, and I will always be able to help so many people each day. It’s something that I will always be proud of doing with my life.
What is your advice to lower classmen?
Definitely, don’t procrastinate on your work but also don’t stress out about everything too much.
What is one little-known fact about you?
I used to play the trumpet in my elementary school band. I used to be really good and still have the trumpet!
Who is your role model?
My mom, she is a very strong woman.
What are your top 3 favorite shows?
Grey’s Anatomy, Riverdale, and Bones
What is your favorite long lunch destination?
Either Cookout or Tokyo Express