Monthly Middle School Update

Ann Sumner Thorp

This year brings many opportunities for Middle School students. From clubs to community service, Middle School offers it all!

A wide selection of clubs are offered to middle school students including Jr. Beta Club which inducted new members on September 27th. These students have maintained an average of 95 in all four core classes with no class average lower than 90%. We are proud to announce thirty-four members from 7th and 8th grade this year! Other clubs include middle school chorus, which offers students the chance to shine on stage and perform in front of peers, and Battle of the Books, where students read a selection of books and compete against other schools with their knowledge of the books. Students also have the opportunity to participate in drama. On November 9th and 10th, they will be performing Charlotte’s Web at the Imperial Centre. Come out and support these talented students!

If you come to special events such as Grandparents’ Day or Veterans’ Day, you will most likely see a group of students helping with the school-wide activities. These students are part of the Eagle Ambassador program, in which students give of their time to help the school during a variety of important events.

Middle school community service projects began on September 22nd when middle school students began brainstorming ideas for the year. Students voted to raise money and send school supplies to Texas and Puerto Rico. These two locations were chosen not only for their great needs, but also to support extended members of the RMA family: RMA alumni, Cade Thorne, who teaches in Texas, and RMA Spanish teacher, Mrs. Rucci, who has family members in Puerto Rico. In October, students decided on how to raise money for their project. Sixth grade students decided to do a hot chocolate and donut sale, raising $410.62 toward the project. Seventh grade students chose to sponsor a “Fun Friday” for December 3rd, and eighth grade students decided to hold a popcorn sale on December 13th. Once all the funds are raised, Middle School will send the supplies to Texas and Puerto Rico around the first week of January. With all of these great projects and events happening in the next few weeks, middle school is definitely the place to be!