Scouting for New Members: The American Boy Scouts Will Now Allow Girls to Join


Georgia Morris

On the International Day of the Girl, the Boy Scouts of America made a big announcement. After 107 years of establishment, the organization announced that it will allow girls to enter the Boy Scouts program beginning in 2018, permitting younger girls to join the Cub Scouts and giving older girls the opportunity to earn the ranking of Eagle Scout.

The Boy Scouts of America claimed to have made this decision after years of requests from girls and their families for girls to be allowed into the organization, but also after taking the input of current leaders and members into consideration. The decision was made after Boy Scout groups, Boy Scout families with daughters, and families outside of the organization all met on various occasions to discuss the issue. After the change takes place next year, each Cub Scout pack will have the choice to integrate girls, create a separate all-girl pack, or to remain an all-boy pack. By 2019, a program that allows girls to achieve the ranking of Eagle Scout will be established. This is very significant change in the Boy Scouts Program because upon earning the ranking of Eagle Scout,  girls will be able to claim a very prestigious achievement that is highly recognized in the educational and professional world that they did not even have the choice of attempting before. The Girl Scouts of America does offer somewhat of an equivalent to this achievement, the Gold Award, but it is not as acknowledged in society as the ranking of Eagle Scout.

Another aim of this decision is to consolidate family activities, making it easier for families to involve their children in beneficial groups. The organization released an official statement saying, “Families today are busier and more diverse than ever. Most are dual-earners and there are more single-parent households than ever before, making convenient programs that serve the whole family more appealing.” By converting a group that only allowed some of families’ children to a group that allows all, the busy families of today’s world will be less hesitant to sign their children up for new activity and adding something else to the families’ plates.

While many people see this historic decision as a great opportunity for all children and a great way to empower young girls, the Girl Scouts of America don’t look at the situation in the same light. Both the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of America, a separate organization with similar goals and foundation,  have seen decreasing numbers over the past years. Membership in the Boy Scouts peaked in 1972 and numbers have decreased from 2.8 million to 2.3 million in the last four years. The Girl Scouts are irked by the decision and have accused the Boy Scouts of making this decision with the sole purpose of drawing in new members.The President of the Girls Scouts of America wrote to the Boy Scouts of America president, asking the organization to stop trying to recruit girls.

The decision is also experiencing many different views being displayed on social media. Critics of the Boy Scouts’ decision have been calling it unnecessary. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted his opinion, saying, “Strange, I thought that’s what the Girl Scouts was for???”, referring to the situation and expressing his view that the change was unnecessary. On the other hand, many people have used social media to support the decision and the belief that it is an important move in empowering girls. For example, the Secretary-General and CEO of World Scouting took to social media to express his acceptance of the decision.