Senior Spotlight: Alexis Reams

Ann Sumner Thorp

Alexis Reams, known for her loving personality and friendly smile, is a valued member of the RMA community. Involved in numerous extracurricular activities, Alexis has given 100% in everything that she has participated in. Early in this school year, Alexis took part in the Distinguished Young Woman of Rocky Mount program. For the talent portion of the competition, Alexis played “A River Flows in You” by Yiruma on the piano, and she rocked the fitness portion of the night with a routine to some classic songs, fitting in with the theme of the night, “Classic.” Alexis shined during the opening number to MKTO’s hit song, “Classic,” as she and her fellow participants kicked-off the night with a fun and energetic dance. Alexis’s hard work paid off when she was awarded the “Be Your Best Self Award” with one other participant. Along with Alexis’ hard work in the DYW program, she is involved in numerous clubs such as ARF (Academy Rescue Foundation) where she is the Co-President, and she has been on the golf team since 10th grade. Alexis’s friendly smile was seen on stage when starred as Snow White in “Ever After,” Velma in “Scooby Doo,” the Tin-Woman in “Oz,” and herself in “Godspell.” Outside of school, Alexis works at Coat’s Vet and enjoys playing with her adopted cat Teddy, and two dogs, Theo and Liberty. As a result of all of Alexis’s hard work, she has already been accepted to Liberty University! Congrats Alexis! RMA will miss her sweet nature and kind heart next year, but we can’t wait to see all that she will accomplish during her years at Liberty!




Find out more about Alexis below:

  1. What is your top college/have you been accepted to any colleges yet?

Yes! I got accepted into Liberty University this past July! I cannot wait to start my future there.

  1. How many years have you been at RMA, and what is your favorite RMA tradition?

I have been at RMA for 10 years. My favorite tradition is the buddy events because I loved being a little buddy when I was younger and having a little buddy of my own now has always been so much fun.

  1. Which play/musical was your favorite and why?

My favorite musical would have to be Wicked. I saw it on Broadway for my 16th birthday, and it was so amazing! It left me amazed after. However, my favorite school play would have to be Scooby Doo. It was by far the most fun I have ever had.

  1. What is your favorite quote or song?

My favorite quote would have to be “everything happens for a reason” mainly because I believe that however things end up is how God intended them to be.

  1. Favorite Long Lunch destination?

Subway. I know it sounds so basic, but it is just so close to school, and it’s nice to have that extra time to sit down and relax.

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

I would live in England. I love their accents, and I honestly love cold rainy days which they have a lot of. The only downside is that I would be far away from my family.

  1. If you could give any piece of advice to underclassmen, what would it be?

Just take things day by day. If you do bad on a test or forget to do your homework for the first time ever, don’t dwell on it and let it ruin your whole day. Focus on the positives and learn from your mistakes.

  1. What has been your favorite class at RMA?

My favorite class at RMA has been Ms. O’Brien’s Psychology class. Being her very first group of students that she taught will always be something that I remember. She made my love for psychology even stronger than before.

  1. What do you want to major in?

I have been going back and forth between Business Management and Psychology so I might do a combination of the two. My latest idea, however, has been becoming an Algebra teacher.

  1. What is one thing not many people know about you?

I have one lung. I was born with two, but my right lung just never developed. Nothing is attached to it because my body rewired itself. My specific condition is called Scimitar Syndrome (congenital).