Meet Our Boosterthon Buddies!

Meet Our Boosterthon Buddies!

Haven Ross

Everybody knows when Boosterthon rolls into town. The school is covered with motivational posters while feelings of excitement fill the air. On some afternoons, classes are halted so kids from all grades can gather for competitions and loud music. The lower school students raise money for each lap they run, and middle school and high school students get to partake in the color run. The students raise money to earn prizes, such as light up skateboards and scooters! And best of all, the money is raised for the betterment of RMA!

Boosterthon and Dugnadseksperten was created to change up the ways of fundraising used by schools. Along with new ways to raise money, Boosterthon also brings big personalities to the table. Two to three Boosterthon workers can be found on campus throughout the two week program to keep everyone excited for the upcoming events. This year, RMA welcomes Surf’s Up Sallie, Jumpman J, and Johnny Tsunami! They add some color to this “fun”draising. To learn more about the Boosterthonners on campus, read their interviews below! Don’t forget to register for the Boosterthon run on September 29!


Johnny Tsunami:

  1. Where are you from? Where do you live now?  I’m from Mechanicsville, Virginia, right outside of Richmond. Now, I live in Wake Forest.
  2. How did you start working for Boosterthon? Well, a friend of ours named Morgan. While I was taking Hebrew with him last summer, he asked me what my job was at my school. I worked in campus enhancement — I was the janitor. Morgan told me that a job with Boosterthon would allow me to impact kids, and I love helping kids. Putting a smile on a kid’s face? That’s a good job.
  3. What is the best part of your job? My favorite part is being able to run around with the kids and see smiles on their faces.
  4. What is your favorite fast food place or meal? Hardee’s. $5 Big Bag. Double cheeseburger, chicken sandwich, apple turnover, french fry, sweet tea, plus a hot ham and cheese.
  5. How did you get your nickname? My boss said, “That is your nickname.” I said, “alright.”
  6. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why? The greatest vacation spot in the world, Myrtle Beach.
  7. What is your spirit animal? Most definitely a pig. I love to eat. I do my own thing, and I will eat anything. Pigs also have a good oink, and I have a good voice.
  8. What is the best advice you have ever received? First, from my father, work your hardest, and do your job. Second, on dating, my grandfather said, “Have fun, take it slow, and enjoy yourself.”
  9. I understand you are going into ministry. What inspired you to pursue this? Jesus Christ changed my life, and I knew what it was like to live without Him. I don’t want other people to live without him.
  10. What has been your favorite thing about Rocky Mount so far? The Media Office. I have had the most fun with you guys.


Surf’s Up Sallie:

  1. Where are you from? Where do you live now? I am originally from Athens, GA. I moved to Saint Simons Island, GA the summer before my junior year of high school. I now live in Raleigh, NC. I moved there for Booster.
  2. How did you start working for Boosterthon? In college I cheered with a girl who was on Booster Team Atlanta. She loved her job and was having so much fun that I decided I wanted to work for Booster too.
  3. Where did you go to college? I went to Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, GA. I was on the cheerleading team, and I was a Kappa Delta.
  4. What is your best memory from high school? My best memory of high school was Senior Week. Seniors got excused from the last week of school before graduation so we rented houses on the beach and had a great time!
  5. What is your favorite song? My favorite song is currently Sorry by Demi Lovato.
  6. When I say Rocky Mount Academy, what image pops into your head first? The Rocky Mount Academy image that pops into my head is anyone of our Media Office hangout sessions.
  7. If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would it be? I would have lunch with Jennifer Aniston. I am obsessed with her.
  8. What is your favorite Boosterthon prize? My favorite Boosterthon prize is the Jet Tennis Set. It is a mix between ping pong and badminton. It is so much fun!
  9. What is the best advice you have ever received? Best advice I have ever received is that you should never let another person control your emotions, decisions, or your happiness.
  10. How far have you traveled working with Boosterthon? The farthest I have travelled with Boosterthon is to Atlanta, GA for our week long training week. It was so fun!


Jumpman Jay

  1. Where are you from? Where do you live now? I was Born in Wake Forest, NC, just outside of Raleigh, and I have lived there all my life.
  2. How did you start working for Boosterthon? My mother works at a school in Raleigh and Boosterthon worked a program at her school. She found out that they were hiring and told me to apply. A month or so later I went to Richmond, VA for my first team meeting as a Boosterthon team member
  3. What is the best part of your job? My favorite part about my job is being able to run around and jump around on Fun Run Day and be as silly and goofy with little kids as I want.
  4. If you could be anywhere in the world right, where would you be? I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter so I would love to visit Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in Florida.
  5. What is your favorite soda? My favorite soda is either Cherry Coke or Mountain Dew Voltage
  6. What is your spirit animal? My Dog is my spirit animal because all she does is sleep and go on long walks and that’s all I’ve wanted out of life.
  7. Did you play any sports in high school? I played basketball my sophomore year of high school but had to stop due to a knee injury. I always wanted to join the swim team but swim practice at my high school was at 4 in the morning and I’m not about that life.
  8. What is the best advice you have ever been given? Work for what you want instead of complaining about what you don’t have.
  9. Do you have a special talent? If so, what is it? I can juggle? And I am in my church choir where they made me sing a solo and get up in front of hundreds of people and sing by myself. Needless to say I’m not in my church choir anymore.
  10. What is your favorite song? My favorite artist is Taylor Swift (her new songs are garb) but my favorite song is Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus.