One Small Scoop, One Large Profit
Key Club Ice Cream Sale

October 25, 2016
Last Friday, October 21rd, the RMA Key Club hosted their 3nd annual ice cream sale. This event took place in the courtyard all day long, allowing everyone to stop by when it was most convenient for them. Many students enjoyed their ice cream after lunch, but there were a few who ate it as their breakfast. Key Club members took shifts working the sale throughout the day, having fun while serving. Students advertised, scooped ice cream, served toppings and cleaned up. Key Club members also donated all the plentiful toppings such as oreos, gummy bears, Reeses pieces and M&M’s. Piggly Wiggly donated 5 gallons of ice cream, and the rest was brought in by students, allowing this sale to give all proceeds to the charity chosen. For three dollars, you got a bowl full of ice cream with your choice of unlimited toppings.
Friday was a perfect day for an ice cream sale. The cloudy morning skies cleared in time for lunch and the sun was out in full force. The Yeti Coolers were very important as they kept the ice cream from melting. Also, Friday was the last day that our visiting Chinese students would be on campus and we celebrated with Grillin on the Grounds. Because lunch was served outside, many were tempted to buy ice cream. As well as eating lunch outside, the Spanish department held a celebration in honor of Spanish Heritage Appreciation month. All of Rocky Mount Academy was in the courtyard watching while they ate their ice cream. To advertise, Key Club used a megaphone during break and lunch to announce the ice cream sale.
This was definitely one of the Key Club’s most successful events, raising a total of $1,007. The best part of the event is the charity that is receiving all proceeds: The Holly Project. The Holly Project raises money for pediatric cancer patients and their families at the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center in Chapel Hill. The funds have helped parents with hotel stays while their children received chemotherapy treatments. Holly was a Rocky Mount native who never stopped thinking about others, in the midst of battling her own medical situation.
Great job Key Club!