Senior Spotlight: Lucy Rose


Lindsey Ross, Secretary

This week’s Senior Spotlight features cheerleading captain, Lucy Rose. Lucy does not cheer solely for those playing on the field or the court, she also brings happiness to her friends, classmates, teachers, and especially her fellow cheerleaders.

Lucy’s infectious enthusiasm shines when she is working with her fifth grade students as a part of the STARS tutoring program, an organization in which she currently holds the position of President. Academically, she has shined as a member of the National Honor Society from tenth through twelfth grade, served as a Junior Academic Graduation Marshal as a part of the top 25% of her class, and was nominated by RMA for the all-inclusive Park Scholarship at NC State. Athletically, Lucy is captain of the Varsity Cheerleading team and was MVP of the team as a junior. Although Lucy is a great cheerleader, her athletic career was at its height when she scored a buzzer beater 3 point shot during her freshman year on the JV Basketball team.

Recently, Lucy was accepted to her first choice school, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This acceptance is not surprising to those that know her well because her intelligence and caring disposition make her a great candidate for admission at practically any college.


To learn more about Lucy Rose, read the interview below:

  1. Do you have any nicknames? Some people call me Luce or Lu, but most people just call me Lucy.
  2. What kind of music is on your Spotify? I actually don’t have a Spotify! I usually just listen to my friends’ Spotify when I’m with them and I have a Justin Bieber CD in my car right now.
  3. Have you decided where you are going to college? Yes, University of North Carolina!
  4. If you already know, what would you like to study in college? I’m not sure what I want to study yet.
  5. What are your biggest pet peeves? I don’t really have any major pet peeves, but I guess when someone is constantly negative.
  6. What are some activities you enjoy outside of school? I enjoy hanging out with my friends, working in ASE after school, and recently Olivia and I have been going to Zumba at the Y!
  7. What is your favorite TV show? I like Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Modern Family.
  8. What was your favorite class at RMA?Last year I enjoyed Dr. O’Brien’s American Literature and this year I like Statistics with Ms. Carter.
  9. What will you miss the most about RMA? The least? I’m going to miss the one-on-one help from teachers that is possible in a small classroom setting, and the teacher’s encouragement and desire for each student to succeed. I will also miss all the friendly faces and my cheerleaders!
  10. What is something you are proud of accomplishing at RMA? Getting into my top-choice college!