Senior Spotlight: Dylan Proctor

Davis Brown, Social Media Chair

This week’s senior spotlight is on Dylan Proctor, a student whose exemplary dedication to community service in addition to his academic and 4-H success truly set him apart from the pack. In addition to his significant impact on the Rocky Mount Academy community, a school he has attended since the sixth grade, Dylan has also been a major community member of the town of Red Oak.

Dylan has been a Red Oak 4-H Club Member since 2003, and has been the Club’s president since the seventh grade. He has also been a member of the larger Nash County 4-H since 2003, and has served as the County Council President this year. Dylan has also served on the Nash County 4-H Exchange Club, holding multiple leadership positions and pouring in countless hours of community services by working concession stands at horse shows and at the farmer’s market. Finally, Dylan is especially passionate in his service in the Red Oak Volunteer Fire Department as a Junior Member. He can often be seen at school with his pager attached to his belt in preparation for response.

Dylan has been highly decorated for his academic and community achievements. He has been a mainstay on the A/B and A Honor Roll since 2009, and has taken numerous Honors Courses in addition to AP Biology 111/2. He was also awarded with the Prom Decorations Award last year for the amount of time and effort he put into the Senior-Junior Prom. Dylan has been awarded many 4-H awards, including being the 4-H Presentation; Char – Grill Beef District and State Gold and Silver Medalist in 2013 and 2014. Dylan has also been awarded with the Livestock Project Participation Award for 4-H since 2003. Check out the following interview to get a better sense of this community oriented student!


  1. When you were little, what did you want to be?

A farmer and firefighter and then a large animal vet when I got a little bit older

  1. How long have you been attending RMA?

Since sixth grade

  1. Do you have a nickname?

It depends where I am and who I’m with  at I have several different ones, at the fire department I have one, at home it depends on who it is and, at school is another

  1. What is the first picture on your camera roll?

A picture of a fire scene that I went to for the fire department

  1. What are your pet peeves?

People annoying me

  1. What kind of music is on your Spotify?

Old Country, New Country, Bluegrass, and some Hick Hop

  1. What is something in history that you wish you could have witnessed?

The signing of the Declaration of Independence

  1. If you could travel anywhere, where would you choose?

A remote island in the Caribbean and a remote place it the woods of the NC Mountains

  1. Have you decided what colleges you are applying to?

NC State, Ohio State, Tarleton State University in Texas part of Texas A&M

  1. What class have you enjoyed the most at RMA and why?

Biology and Ceramics Biology because I love science and Ceramics because it is a really good stress reliever and really fun

  1. If you could go through high school again would you choose to do anything different?

No, but high school has flown by!