Traditions and New Beginnings: 2015-2016 off to a Great Start

The 2015-2016 school year began last Monday, with streams of students piling into the entrance of Rocky Mount Academy. While many students were disappointed to see the summer end so quickly, they were also excited to see what is in store for this new academic year. Jackson Acker (4th grade) said, “I am sad that my summer is over, but I am glad school is starting so I can see my friends and go to PE.”
Many things at Rocky Mount Academy have stayed the same from the year before: the Academy offers the same fall sports, the same foreign languages, the Eagle Examiner returns for its second year, and seniors came to school exhausted from a long Senior Night. However, there are significant changes in store. The new STEAM lab (the STEM of science, technology, engineering, and math, plus the arts) allows elementary school students to be involved in hands-on experiences designed to foster imagination, problem-solving, and even entrepreneurship. Recently students have created a “marble machine,” which tested their technology and engineering skills.
New staff also serve to spice things up for the new school year. Sra. Maribel Rucci is a new Spanish teacher; she will be teaching Middle School global studies, lower school Spanish, and Spanish 3 and 4. In addition, the Rocky Mount Academy football team has a new leader in Coach Terrell Hudgins. The team looks to repeat another strong season after two straight State Championships in 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. New college counselor Brian Wilson looks to guide RMA seniors on their college application journey. Mr. Wilson has enabled the seniors to start off the year strong by hosting a “College Essay Boot camp” the Wednesday before school started.
Rocky Mount Academy classes are also set to experience some changes. AP Chemistry, a class that takes up two periods and is considered one of the hardest AP classes, is being offered to high school juniors and seniors for the first time in two years. Dr. Wells is also offering a new “World Religions” to high school students. New clubs like the Youth and Government Club and the Debate Club, and old clubs like FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and Model United Nations are set to make the year exciting for high school students.
With a strong balance between the old and the new, academics and athletics, classes and clubs, Rocky Mount Academy will offer a strong year to its students and to its community.