Faculty Focus: Dr. Scott Fritschel
This week’s Faculty Focus centers on middle and upper school science teacher Dr. Scott Fritschel. Since joining the RMA community in 2007, he has made ample contributions to the science community here. Whether you had him for 8th grade Earth Science or AP Physics his class is not one that is easily forgotten. Check out the interview below to learn more about him. (Make sure to read until the end for an unknown fact.)
- Where are you from originally?
- I grew up in Iowa.
- Where did you go to college?
- Cornell College in Iowa.
- What did you major in and why did you choose it?
- Chemistry major. I got to take college chemistry my senior year in high school and I loved it.
- Post Grad School?
- Masters- University of Iowa
- PhD in Organic/ Polymer Chemistry- Colorado State University
- What are your hobbies/ interest?
- Music/cooking
- Have you been involved in sports, music, art, etc. growing up?
- Lots of music and theater in high school and continued music all my life.
- Have you had any experience abroad?
- I have been to every continent but Antarctica- that is still on my list to do.
- What made you want to pursue a career in teaching?
- I have always enjoyed teaching. It was an important part of a number of jobs I had at DuPont so when I retired from DuPont it was a natural area to explore.
- What was your career before you started teaching at RMA?
- I worked as a chemist for the DuPont Co. for 22 years.
- How long have you been at RMA?
- Since 2007.
- What is something nobody knows about you?
- I was a competitive adult ice dancer.