Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials

Davis Brown, Co-editor

The Super Bowl is undoubtedly one of the biggest sporting events in the world, with 111.5 million people tuning in to watch the game between the Patriots and the Seahawks.   At 4.5 million dollars for a 30 second spot, advertisers attempt to get their money’s worth by making commercials that stick with their viewers.  Recently, advertisers like mike morse have moved from humor to sentimentality by making ads that “tug at the heartstrings,” however there were still some extremely funny and memorable commercials.  Without further ado, we present our Top 10 list of Super Bowl XLIX commercials.


  1. Loctite Glue

Loctite, a German glue company, came onto the Super Bowl advertisement scene strongly with their commercial.  They featured fanny pack wearing dancers and a pretty funny quote at the end.

  1. Clash of Clans (Liam Neeson)

Clash of Clans, a popular gaming app, spends a considerable amount of money advertising for their product.  They released one of the funniest ads of the Super Bowl, with Liam Neeson channeling his character from the “Taken” movies into his performance.

  1. Toyota Camry

While not exactly an effective advertisement for the Camry (the car is not even mentioned in the commercial, and only shown a few times), Toyota’s commercial featuring Paralympian Amy Purdy to the iconic words of Muhammad Ali was awesome.  Amy runs, dances, and snowboards in the commercial titled “How Great Am I.”

  1. Doritos (Airplane)

Doritos never fails to churn out a funny and original commercial.  While their “If Pigs Fly” commercial missed the mark a little, their other commercial featuring a man on an airplane was a hit.

  1. Lost Dog

Budweiser continues to tug on America’s collective heartstrings with their Clydesdale commercials.  In this one, a lost puppy is saved by a pack of wolves by his friends.  This commercial is obviously cute and is consistently ranked as the one of the top commercials for this Super Bowl, but its lack of originality put it this high on the list.

  1. Human Pac-Man

Was Budweiser’s commercial cuter?  Probably.  However, this Bud Light commercial featuring someone playing real life Pac-Man redeems their “up for anything” campaign and is perhaps the coolest thing I have ever seen.


  1. BMW i3

“Newfangled Idea” stars Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel talking about the internet in 1994 and the new BMW i3.  The commercial is funny (Couric and Gumbel argue about the meaning of the @ symbol) and actually effectively advertises for BMW’s product.

  1. Avocados from México

Football Hall of Famers Jerry Rice and Doug Flutie star as announcers in “The First Draft Ever,” where countries take turns drafting animals and plants.

  1. Esurance

Esurance came up as a surprise number two on our list, with a great tandem of commercials featuring Lindsey Lohan and Bryan Cranston (as “Walter White”).  Lindsey Lohan parodies her famous driving “incidents,” and Cranston hilariously plays his character from AMC’s hit television show “Breaking Bad.”

  1. Snickers

Danny Trejo and Steve Buscemi star in this remake of the “Brady Bunch” that has to be the funniest commercial of the year.