Senior Spotlight: Vineet Baliga

Vineet (center) with a few classmates on Senior Night back in August

This week’s Senior Spotlight features Vineet Baliga, who has been going to RMA since the first grade.  He excels in academics and volunteer work, making him a key part of the RMA class of 2015.

Dedicating much of his time to UNC Nash Health Care System, Vineet has been a volunteer leader there since 9th grade.  As an application based opportunity, Vineet was selected among other potential volunteers to learn the inner workings of a hospital and serve patients directly.  His wide array of experience at Nash has inspired him to consider a career in medicine for the future.

Vineet can often be found in Mrs. Lehnes’ room, whether he’s studying for her class or preparing for Science Olympiad. He has participated in this program since his freshman year and was a regional winner his 10th and 11th grade years. He was also captain of the team his junior year. He won 1st place in dynamic planet, 2nd place in shock value and chemistry lab, and 3rd place in dynamic planet and invasives.

With his love for science very much evident in his academics, Vineet was awarded academic excellence in Biology I, highest academic average in Honors Chemistry, and highest academic average in AP Chemistry. Vineet has also excelled in Spanish, being awarded academic excellence in Spanish I and II and highest academic average in Honors Spanish III. Vineet’s hard work paid off when he was inducted into National Honor Society in 10th grade and elected as vice president his junior year.

Vineet’s work does not stop at RMA; he participated in the Summer Venture’s program in 11th grade focusing on math and sciences and was awarded the Catalyst Award for research work and presentation. Vineet also has exceptional music skills and was awarded the music performance award in 9th grade for solo piano.

Vineet not only excels in academics but in athletics too. Vineet has participated in tennis for his whole high school career. He was awarded MVP Award in junior varsity tennis his freshman and sophomore year.

With applications submitted to East Carolina, NC State, UNC- Chapel Hill, Duke, Rice, Johns Hopkins, and Columbia University, Vineet has not decided where exactly he wants to attend yet and is still waiting to hear back from all these schools before he makes a decision. With Vineet’s outstanding resume, he is certainly a catch for any school. Vineet has a very bright future ahead of him and will surely make RMA proud as heads out into the real world.