One of the Senior Spotlights this issue is on none other than Lowell Brantley. Based on my personal experience with Lowell, I can say that he knows how to make you laugh instantly. After all, Lowell is–in his words–“a sociable, lighthearted rapscallion who enjoys tom-foolery.”
With his high school career coming to an end, Lowell has a tough schedule with AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics, French IV Honors, and Honors English 12. His favorite class, though, is his one elective–Weightlifting–because he has the highest deadlift. (If you’re curious, it’s 580 lbs.) It’s not just his max weight that’s impressive. He also has a strong academic record, as over his four years of high school, Lowell has been recognized with several awards: A Honor Roll in 10th and 11th grades, Most Improvement in Advanced English 9, Most Creative Thinker in Honors World Cultures, and Academic Excellence in Geometry.
Lowell has been involved in campus life with clubs and sports. Demonstrating his interest in economics and politics, he was a member of the Crypto Currency Club (now defunct) his freshman year. He served as SGA President his junior year and is currently the Co-President of the Conservation Club (which maintains the natural habitats and walking trails on the edge of campus). Given his love of the great outdoors, it’s not surprising that Lowell prefers outdoor sports over those played in gyms. He has played golf since his sophomore year and played soccer (playing defense) his freshman, junior, and senior years.

Outside of school, Lowell fills his free time with more outdoor activities: playing golf, working at a golf course, and hunting and fishing (particularly freshwater fishing). He works at the River Golf Club at Lake Royale in Bunn where he is a pro-shop manager, cleans carts, and picks up the range. As well as all of these outdoor activities, he is part of the Jr. Fire Department in Spring Hope where he volunteers as a firefighter doing most everything but medical-related jobs.
Planning for college, Lowell applied to NC State, UNC Charlotte, and ECU and has been accepted into UNC Charlotte and ECU; he is still waiting to hear back from NC State. He plans to major in engineering in hopes of going into mechanical engineering because he wants to be successful.
Get to know Lowell!
What is a talent of yours that we may not know about or something nobody knows about you?
I’m ambidextrous.
What is your favorite go-to song?
“Circle-K” by Ricky Chitlin
Where is your favorite place and why?
the golf course in the evening because of the vibes
If you were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would you bring?
A Taco Bell franchise, a pet raccoon, and a chess set
What are you looking forward to in college?
Living on my own
What will you miss about RMA?
The shenanigans with my classmates
What is one lesson you learned at RMA?
There is always someone who knows more than you, but life is not only about what you know.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to an incoming freshman or to your younger self about high school?
You are usually wrong.