This senior spotlight is on Gage Varnell, who–with his outgoing personality and ability to make anybody laugh–has been an integral part of the Class of 2025 since he joined the RMA family in 5th grade. Gage’s friendly attitude draws people in and makes them want to be his friend. Good friend Gehrig Miller says, “Gage is kind and always willing to lend a helping hand. We became friends playing rec baseball together and are still friends now, and Gage is one of the most loyal people I know.”

Since he is almost wearing camo of some kind, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Gage loves all things outdoors. His favorite things to do with friends include hunting, fishing, and riding his dirt bike and four-wheeler. Gage also dedicates some of his time to field sports. Gage played football his freshman year as a linebacker and running back and was awarded MVP honors. His sophomore year, he played left field on our baseball team contributing to the team’s success. Gage took a break from baseball his junior year, but we look forward to seeing him back on the field this spring as a senior.
Gage’s courses for this year also reflect his love of nature. Complementing his core subjects of English 12 and Algebra III (Trigonometry), Gage is taking Sports Management–which often takes him outside to prepare the fields for games–and Marine Biology. He says he likes Marine Bio best because Dr. Wells is his favorite teacher, and he finds the science class interesting.

Gage also showcases his love and appreciation for nature in his artwork–he is taking Ceramics with Mrs. Hunter this year–and has made some really impressive pieces. Two of these pieces are a plate with a duck painted on it and a cutting board with the outline of North Carolina and a deer on it, which is his favorite piece he’s made so far.
Gage has lots to look forward to, starting with college in the fall. He applied to East Carolina University and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where he plans to study Construction Management (ECU has a great program) or Heavy Diesel Mechanics.
Gage is a student that Rocky Mount Academy will certainly miss. He has left his mark on both staff and students through his memorable personality and kindness shown through simple but thoughtful gestures like holding the door for someone or saying thank you to the lunch ladies who take such good care of us. Since Gage came to RMA in 5th grade, he has made great friendships and memories with his fellow classmates, and I am sure that his outgoing, friendly personality will help him through life after saying goodbye to RMA.
Get to know more about Gage:
- Who is your role model? My mom
- What is your favorite movie? Murder Mystery
- Do you have any talents we may not know about? I can wheelie on a dirt bike and four-wheeler
- Where is your favorite place and why? Anywhere in the woods or swamp; that’s where I have the most fun. The majority of the time I’m with my buddies, and we’re just having a good time.
- If you were on a deserted island, what three things would you bring? My dog, some food, and a bed
- What celebrity would you want to be for a day and why? Donald Trump because it would be interesting to see what a day in his life is like.
- That is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming freshman or your younger self about high school? Do your homework!