Senior Beta Club State Convention
February 3, 2023
Over the weekend, several members of the Senior Beta Club attended the North Carolina Beta Convention in Greensboro, while others stayed back in Rocky Mount to compete in virtual competitions. All competitions were coordinated by club advisor Mrs. Viverette and club officers.
Virtual competitions included creating art projects, designing a club trading pin, giving and writing speeches, participating in quiz bowl, freshman problem-solving, poetry, creative writing, and academic tests. Many of our artistic members submitted three-dimensional and two-dimensional drawings. Another creative group chose to participate in apparel design where they were given the opportunity to customize any article of clothing for entry. The club trading pin group designed a pin with a Beta symbol to represent our club. We had two students submit videos of themselves giving speeches they had written on the topic of their choice. Our quiz bowl team and freshman problem-solving team worked together in their respective groups to answer questions and find solutions to challenges. We also had two students submit poetry and two submit creative writing entries. As for academic testing, one student from each grade was chosen to test in each subject (Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, French, and Spanish). Everyone excelled while having lots of fun, and we even had two winners from our virtual competitions: Elizabeth Paszeck in 9th grade Language Arts and Carissa Spruil in 11th grade French. All of our virtual participants represented RMA well and worked very hard at their competitions, and we are especially proud of our two winners!
Seven club members participated in in-person competitions at the North Carolina overnight convention. Five sophomore girls participated in the living literature competition, which required the girls to choose a famous scene in literature, dress up as characters from the scene, create a backdrop and props, and stand perfectly still in front of the judges. The girls chose a scene from Peter Pan, so they created the famous clock background and used cotton fluff for clouds so it would appear as though they were flying. A group of senior girls collected photos of club members and activities throughout the year to enter into the scrapbook competition. We even hand made the cover using wood and cut out lightning bolts to fit the theme “Power of Beta.” Another group of senior girls entered the Marketing and Communications competition with a presentation on their community hero. They chose to present a slideshow about our very own Mrs. Whitehead and the many ways in which she has impacted RMA. Senior Harrison Vaughn participated in the Spelling Bee and placed third for the state! (Good work Harrison!) Not only did we work hard to compete in our competitions, but we also enjoyed bonding at the mall and the hotel.
All club members and officers worked extremely hard to make the virtual and in-person conventions a huge success. We have so many talented club members who were able to display their skills in creative ways, and we are so appreciative of Mrs. Viverette for her leadership. Up next (in the spring), the Senior Beta Club will be participating in a service project that they will decide on as a club in the coming weeks, so be sure to look for ways to support this amazing group of students soon!