Senior Spotlight: Sarah Cathryne Coltrane

Carley Outlaw, Social Media Chair

This week’s senior spotlight is RMA’s ray of sunshine, Sarah Cathryne. She joined the RMA class of ‘23 her freshman year as the Ann Weaver Scholarship recipient. She has made sure to waste no time or opportunities while here. 


From the start of her academic career, Sarah Cathryne has taken on one of the most rigorous course loads possible at RMA, and she has succeeded with flying colors. She was inducted into the National Honor Society her sophomore year and is in the top 25 percent of her class, earning her a spot as a marshal. Although she will probably never admit it, Sarah Cathryne naturally excels in math, putting her in AP Calculus this year. You can also find her thinking critically in AP Literature, AP Psychology, AP Earth and Environmental Science, and using her creativity in Ceramics. You can be certain to hear her name quite a bit on Awards Day and, later, at the Athletic Banquet. 


Sarah Cathryne runs Cross Country during the fall and truly shines during swim season. Cat has been a swimmer since she was five years old, and at 16, she came in second place at states! Not only does she spend her free time with sports, but Sarah Cathryne is also involved in Key Club, Beta Club, and the Spanish National Honor Society. Outside of school, she recently joined the board of the Edgecombe County Cancer Foundation and plans to help host the “ECSF Run for Your Life 2022,” which will raise money for patients fighting against cancer. (Sarah Cathryne says, “sign up now!” by the way!) If you check out the foundation’s Instagram you will find enthralling posts by her and can even catch a peek of her trip to Utah (more on this below). Despite being the social media chair of the foundation, Sarah Cathryne is unique in that she doesn’t limit herself to time behind the screen.  


Truly an outdoors enthusiast, Sarah Cathryne spends every summer on the boat at Harkers Island, soaking up the sun and fishing in water as blue as her eyes. This year she took a break from the beach for a week and ventured to Utah where she hiked 16 miles every day and even a volcano. It’s safe to say she enjoys the outdoors almost as much as she is loved by her classmates at RMA. 


A friend to all, Sarah Cathryne is known for lending a helping hand and spreading kindness wherever she goes. Close friend and classmate Elle Bartolomeo says, “Ever since freshman year, Sarah Cathryne has been one of my best friends! Whether we are eating muffin mix at our first sleepover or having the time of our lives at the YAG dance, she is always fun to be with. She’s also very dependable and helps out wherever you need her! Everyone needs a Sarah Cathryne in their life.” Personally, I could go on for ages about her, but I will keep it limited and say that there is no one quite as genuine, kind-hearted, funny, dependable, and special as Cat. RMA has truly blessed me with the opportunity to get to know her, and without this school, I never would have met the girl I call my best friend. 


This fall, Sarah Cathyrne plans to apply to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which both of her older siblings attended, the University of Tennessee, ECU, NC State University, and the UNCW. Wherever life takes her, we know Sarah Cathyrne will succeed and that RMA will miss her!

Get to know Sarah Cathryne


What is your favorite movie?-  “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”

What advice do you leave to those at RMA?-  “Take advantage of every opportunity given to you; there are so many here.”

What is your favorite restaurant?- “ Anywhere with sushi.”

What is your favorite memory at RMA? “The discussions in AP government.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?-  “The ability to teleport.”

Who is your role model?-  “My mom because of how hard she works and her ability to remain positive and caring no matter what.”