New Clubs

September 16, 2022
As we start the 2022-2023 school year, clubs are in full swing. Many of our students this year have taken on the responsibility of starting new clubs, which is an excellent way for the students at our school to explore hobbies, get involved with our community, and give back to others. This year two of our new clubs include the Kindness Club and the Carbon Club. Both of these clubs focus on bettering our surroundings.
The Kindness Club was founded by Harrison Vaughn, a senior at RMA, in order to create a more positive environment at our school. Although Rocky Mount Academy already has an amazing community, Harrison has been brainstorming ways in which we can make everyone feel as though RMA is truly their home. The club currently has several members and is continuing to grow in size every day. At meetings, Harrison and his fellow officers discuss new projects with club members. Their first project is posting positive quotes around the school with the goal of boosting the morale of the teachers and students. As this club reminds us, it takes so little effort to be kind to others and make an impact in our community! Please email Harrison Vaughn for any further information regarding the Kindness Club.
Another new club added to our school this year is the Carbon Club. Carley Outlaw, another stellar senior, decided to start this club in order to reduce the carbon footprint of our school. Since she is taking AP Environmental Science this year, Carley was inspired to start the club that will educate students and allow them to come together to generate new ideas we can use to help save our environment. It is Carley’s hope that the Carbon Club will continue to be active in our school community after she graduates and that the club will continue to grow in size. Although we cannot put an end to climate change with just one simple club, we can educate ourselves and others so that we may be more mindful of our actions and how they affect our world. Carley has many worthwhile projects planned for this year, a few of which include implementing recycling in the lunchroom and scheduling trash clean-ups on the weekend. If you care for the environment and are passionate about stopping our negative impact on the planet, the Carbon Club is perfect for you! Contact Carley for any further questions you may have about the club or if you are interested in signing up.